Saturday, October 17, 2009

God's Good Works...Discovering that Meaning

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always liked helping others. My mom recently reminded me of a time when I was in high school. She said that one day I brought this boy home. He didn't have a safe place to stay so I told him to ride the bus with me and come to my house. To be honest, I vaguely remember that story but I do remember me thinking often "This person needs help, how can I help them?" I always wanted to be involved in different charities and organizations.I could probably go on about good things I have done, but the truth is, all of those good things don't count when it comes to God's standard.

So many times, I hear " I am a good person, I am going to heaven" and for so many years, I even believed that myself until about 8 years ago I began to read the Bible for myself and discovered the truth. I went to a Catholic chruch growing up and it was never encouraged to read the Bible on my own so I just believed what the priest was telling me, that is until I got to the age where I had many questions about all fo the things we had to do: kneel, stand, drink wine from a glass that everyone else is, and most of all, leaving there without a better understanding of who God is and if he was still here with me today.

All the help in the world cannot save anyone, neither can my good deeds. I can't try and get to heaven any more than anyone else. The only one that saves us is Jesus Christ. If you are thinking " Oh no, one of those Christian blogs", I have to tell you that there is truth in what the Bible has to say. If you read the Holy Bible , it has power. I told God about 8 years ago this very thing " You have my life God, whatever that means" and I felt Him say " Trust Me". Since then, even before I went to church or read my Bible I knew that my life was going to change, and it has. I don't understand it all but I have never read anything in the Bible or heard anything at the church we attend (Calvary Chapel Green Valley) that contradicts the Bible and God's message to all of us. I know that no church is perfect, but God's message does not change. He want us to be close to Him and live for Him rather than what we think is right at the time.It is not easy to grasp in many ways, but I know that He is continually changing me and teaching me through His word. I still have many questions and I search until I find the answer.

I want to encourage you to ask the big questions in life:" How did I get here?, Where am I going when I die? What is my purpose while I am here? and whatever else is on your heart. I challenge you to search until you find the answers. Not the answer that you want to hear,or are comfortable to hear, but the truth. It is not about religion, or what you were born into, or what you are supposed to believe, but a relationship with God who created us to know Him and make Him known.

If any of you want to chat about this or any blogs, feel free to email me at : or comment.

May God Bless you as you embark on the journey of your life!

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